
In the event of an emergency, a text and an email message will be sent to all student contact numbers through our emergency alert system, Titan HST. For that reason, it is critical that parents/guardians keep the school informed of any changes in phone numbers.

When necessary, and after it is deemed safe, students will be released only to authorized parents/guardians or those listed on a student's emergency card. If the school has been evacuated to another location, parents/guardians will be notified via Titan HST.

Emergency Procedures
Emergency procedures are practiced regularly and, in general, we evacuate to the parking lot where attendance is taken. If the parking lot is unsafe, the emergency coordinator will designate an alternative assembly area. 

Air Quality Response Plan
At times, particularly if there is a wildfire in the area, poor air quality may force temporary and/or emergency operations plans. In making these plans, the School monitors local air quality readings and forecasts, our physical experiences of the environment, and College Prep’s Purple Air sensor. When different AQI thresholds are crossed for sustained periods of time, we will follow the guidelines described herein.
Fire or General Evacuation 
The fire alarm signals this emergency. Teachers are responsible for securing their classrooms and accompanying students to the parking lot. When the situation has been assessed and clearance is given, faculty, staff, and students may re-enter buildings.

Everyone on campus should take cover (turn away from windows, duck under a table or a piece of furniture, and protect their heads from falling debris.) until the shaking stops and remain in rooms if it is safe to do so. If the alarm bell sounds or if the quake is severe, we will follow the general evacuation procedure after the shaking stops.

Shelter in Place 
In the event of air contamination (e.g., chemical or biological emergency), faculty, staff, and students will be instructed, via the PA system and Titan HST, to shelter in place (stay or go inside, close all doors and windows, and remain there until school administrators indicate that the emergency is over.

 The primary goal in a lockdown situation is to ensure that all students are in a secure, safe place and accounted for. A lockdown will be announced via the PA system and Titan HST, and faculty, staff, and students will be instructed to stay or go inside. Everyone must remain in place until they are told that the lockdown is over.

