Nancy Steele: English


诗歌是我从小就喜欢的东西。我在大学预科的所有教学中,我觉得我在创意写作中的表现是最好的。诗歌研讨会,因为我对诗歌的定位 和它对我的影响。小时候,我爸爸经常在睡前给我读诗。我仍然记得某些诗句,比如罗伯特-布朗宁的诗句,它们没有让我入睡,但却让我很清醒,因为它们很有电击力。我小时候的工作之一就是当家庭诗人,这是个严肃的工作。我为我们一家人一起做的所有事情写诗。我喜欢这样

在高中时,我清楚地记得,我走进图书馆,从书架上抽出诗集。我发现了A. R. Ammons的一首诗,叫"反思"。这是一首关于允许自己不完美,只做自己的短诗。这首诗给我留下了很深的印象,所以我把它剪下来,放在家里的镜子上。后来,当我到了康奈尔大学,我发现A.R.阿蒙斯是教员!我在康奈尔大学期间跟他学习了几年。大学期间,我跟他学习了几年,并和他保持了很长时间的联系。他是我的学术诗人导师。

,如何安排你的 创意写作。诗歌课?

每周我都会和同学们分享不同的作者和风格,他们要自己写20行诗。同伴工作坊的参与热情很高,也很支持。学生们还会选择一位诗人的作品进行欣赏、分析、模仿,并向全班展示。对我来说,这很有趣,因为每年我都会接触到很多新的诗人。 写作工作坊的高潮是学生制作自己的诗歌作品集。然后,他们选择在5月春季学期结束时的诗歌朗诵会上朗读其中的一首诗。
I was originally hired to teach poetry, but I also teach ninth grade English as well as seminars for juniors and seniors. Teaching freshman is really interesting and fun. In my freshman English courses we work on demystifying things. I want students to understand the “why” behind everything I’m asking them do so that they understand it’s not just busy work. I like to have fun in my classroom, too. For example, learning something as seemingly rote as grammar, we’ll play with writing preposition poems. In my seminar classes my feedback is in the form of a letter, and I ask that the students compose a hand-written letter back. It gives them an opportunity to explain their thinking, and often the letters are very thoughtful and end up being better than their papers. These letters/reflections are a sneaky way to get students to do more writing as well as to focus on my comments instead of on the grade they received. I prefer to do a lot more listening than talking. I have to be focused on what students are saying in order to tease out a comment or get another student to pick up and extend an idea. When the discussion is good, it just flows in an organic way. In every class I teach, I always work toward that, keeping it lively, creative, and fun. 

The student poetry and literary magazine The Steele is a legacy of Nancy's work. 

