Parents' Association Equity and Belonging Committee (PAEBC)

PAEBC is an opportunity for parents to lead and engage our community through an equity and inclusion practice to ensure a joyful, kind, diverse, and creative community for all through bias management, cultural competence, and service leadership. PAEBC leaders are intellectually adventurous, ethically sure-footed, and generous of heart and spirit as they model appreciation for others and give generously of heart and spirit to collaborate with the community to support College Prep’s mission, philosophy, and vision.
  • Provide parent inspired equity and belonging opportunities for the community
  • 与学生、家长和教育工作者合作,激励并增强一个包容和公平的社区的能力。
  • 与与任务相一致的组织结成伙伴关系,以激励和增强一个包容和公平的社区。
  • 创建激励和增强人们能力的项目,以建立善良、有创造力、多样化和快乐的社区。
Parent volunteers collaborate with the Dean of Equity and Belonging to develop offerings and programs for the community that inspire and empower people to practice bias management, cultural competence, and leadership through service.

To contact our chairs, please email:


  • Photo of Alexandria  Osei-Amoako

    Alexandria  Osei-Amoako 

    Dean of Equity and Belonging
    510-652-0111 ext.269

